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Your complete & delightful seaside holiday is at your arms-length.
Entangle yourself into the tempting blend of peacefulness and joy in Obzor on the coast of the Black Sea.
Obzor is where The Old Mountain, the longest of all Balkan Mountains, touches the Black Sea.
By the “Kiss” between Mountain and Sea a long beach strip is born-this is where DOMVS AVREA is and your new home. Everything is at your arms-length – cozy local restaurants, buzzing little bars, beautiful sandy
beach and a breezy forest.

Founded by the Thracians Obzor has an over-three-thousand-years history. During the last millennium BC,Greek settlers gave the city the name Heliopolis (Ἡλιούπολις – City of the Sun). After the Romans conquered
it, they have built a temple in the name of Jupiter (the God of the sky and thunder and king of all Gods) and changed the name of the city to Theopolis – City of Gods. The ruins of the temple can still be seen here. Later on the Byzantine emperors have positioned their summer residence in the settlement.
In Obzor, among a picturesque forest at the beach-front the Black Sea, we have chosen to raise Domus Aurea (Golden House, House of the Sun).Here one can sense and touch the remains of millennial history,experience the charm of an ancient city, blended with the crystal-clear sea water and the beauty of the endless sandy beach.